Wellocome to kira Secondary School


This is the both church and Government Aided school and we have both Day and Boarding sections

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Your bright future is our mission

“To equip learners with knowledge, skills and attitudes that can spiritually and intellectually develop them”

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Our Vision

“To be the leading academic institution producing all-rounded citizens

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“To be the leading academic institution producing all-rounded citizens


“To equip learners with knowledge, skills and attitudes that can spiritually and intellectually develop them”

Our Achievements

Academic achievements are the positive, demonstrable results of our academic performance. These include our grades, honors, awards, competitive results and experiences that demonstrate our academic prowess, engagement in student life, contributions to our community and resilience


Commitment: We commit our hearts and minds in all we do and at all times. Accountability: We accept responsibility for measurable and tangible results. Responsibility: Managing ourselves and those entrusted to us, students and properties. Integrity: Doing what we really think is good and correct for our clients.


The Academics department is at the hub of teaching and learning in the school. A school as an organization is charged with ensuring that curriculum delivery is effected with the attendant efficiency, officially relevant professional practice.

The school is running two curriculum, the old knowledge based one for S.4, S.5, S.6 and the new competence based curriculum in S.1, S.2, S.3. all teaching staff as we speak have undergone a series of workshops and trainings to ensure that they can facilitate the acquisition of competencies and skills so as to create critical thinkers and innovate self-reliant citizens who can eventually make their communities better by engaging in self-employment and creating jobs.

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Success Stories

By one of the students

One of the main obstacles I must achieve here at kira secondary School is to listen, learn, and to be obedient in all the discussions and the assignments asked of me. Last but not least I have to say I have to overcome all negative feelings I get from time to time to complete all my educational goals. I need to be prepared mentally and physically for anything that is being asked of me from my instructors. I feel that I need to keep an open mind as well because I know all the feedback from classmates and instructors will be of great help in making me a better person and learner. There are a few things I must do to overcome all these certain obstacles here in a school in order to have a successful completion of my studies.


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